Goldfields graduate programme

Goldfields is offering a graduate program to graduates in South Africa.

What is Goldfields?

Gold Fields Limited is one of the world's largest gold mining firms. Headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, the company is listed on both the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. Wikipedia

Each employee at Gold Fields is encouraged to have an individual development plan in place, which is revised twice a year. Their training budgets and strategies are based on these development plans for each Region. Every year, Gold Fields reviews all of its talents in a talent review. This incorporates management and employee feedback that is combined at the Group level. The training programs are coordinated with our workplace skill plans in South Africa.

Who can apply?

People interested in these fields below can apply.

  • Mechanical/Electrical Engineers
  • Industrial engineers
  • Metallurgy
  • Human Resource
  • Finance
  • Geology
  • Psychology
  • Environmental
  • Mining Engineer / Mine Survey

How to apply?

You can apply by sending an email to


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